Factors that Cause a Home to Sell or Not Sell


  1. Terms: If your terms as a seller are not seen as reasonable or appealing to a potential buyer, it can severely impact your ability to sell your property. This can include contingencies that a seller chooses to insist upon.


  1. Condition: Curb appeal and property condition are two of the most critical elements of a property sale. Buyers will make judgments about what they cannot see, by what they can see. The difference is always in the details.


  1. Marketing: How a property is presented and marketed is key! At the very least, a poorly represented and marketed property will cost the seller a lot of money and very well may cause the property to not sell.


  1. Price: In any market condition, whether a seller or buyers’ market, a property will sell if priced correctly. There are many factors and lots of data available to help sellers determine the best approach and method to price their property.